How to make money blogging and actually earn money from blogging is reduced to writing content for your blog
You must be wondering how it will help me the idea to make money blogging
The idea is very important because it will form the idea, especially from the creative ideas emerge a new and unique content that google loves, and will love and your blog readers, if you are not in a deficit of yours creativity. Therefore, the idea is much more important for blogging and other work. And for solving a problem. Rather Than for example some financial means or seo. Because in this world has a lot more money than good ideas.
As another link in the chain that will help you make money blogging is motivation, you might ask, why motivation? Because a very simple and specific reason, and that is to find something that you are overwhelmed with passion, for something with which is appearing enthusiasm and inspiration to you. The most important thing is to write about something you love, and you will surely achieve your goal, a love for something that you love will be the one that will motivate you to continue to write and perform better results.
For that reason motivation along with the idea is more important than the financial investment in your website. The third link in the chain that will drag your blog on a better place would be seo, seo does not matter so much as the content, for this reason is given seo review in which is the algorithm denounced importance as a factor of ranking website. Because the content is more important than any technical aspect.
It is desirable that you write a blog like when you writing a term paper in the sense that is given to your content the title, subtitle, when you insert a picture into your post describe what it is in the pic. Brief description of your post, links, and be careful not to overdo it with this, because this is not as important as the first two links in the chain that are much more important and will help you to earn money blogging.
When you do these 3 aspects, when it comes to your content, after a while you will see the results of your work, in the sense that you get visits to your blog. Only when you start to get a visits to your blog you can make money blogging. When you get the results after a certain time, then you need to monetize your blog. There is is a post about one form of monetization we have already written in a previous article. Also you can monetize your blog in many other ways and make money blogging. This would be the strongest links that should your blog put in better search results and therefore to make a profit from your blog.
This is very good explained. Thank you. But it is also important to apply these methods when you do video blogging especially interaction helps very much. Thanks again.