Monday, June 23, 2014

Brainstorming ideas

How to make the brainstorming ideas

Or process of making new ideas called brainstorming.

Right away at the beginning we will tell you how you can make money from your ideas, and

then we will explain the process of creating ideas called brainstorming.

first step in order to make money from yours ideas, is that your idea is simple for
mass production, and that is easy to use for the average users. (Buyers of your innovation)

Another very important step is to protect your idea in the Intellectual
Property Office, if it comes to a patent. Or if it comes to art work check with a lawyer for your
copyrights if it is a creative and artistic work.

How to make brainstorming ideas
Brainstorming ideas

Now we will explain the process of creating ideas called brainstorming.

brainstorming technique is creative work. Techniques of creative production are methods or ways that managers use to organize and motivate individuals and groups to
produce ideas. Individual encouraging to the creation of ideas is useful because it frees individuals who make the ideas of prejudice, hesitation, reluctance and restraint. It is believed that the group creates greater creative potential, which leads
to higher quality ideas. essence of brainstorming is the spirit exercise, ventilation of the brain, when
we speak of man's spirit, is about the power that moves us beyond our
intellectual, emotional and physical constraints that often define our human essence, this technique is
applied when management seeks to encourage the formation of ideas or
intensify thought process on how to solve a particular and complex problem.

Brainstorming is a technique that should be free type in the process of designing, creating and presenting ideas in this technique is the emphasis on the divergent way of thinking,
which means that nothing should inhibit or schuld be imposed some kind of formalization that would definitely collapsed our process of creative thinking or divergent way of thinking with which they can bring the best ideas, because even the craziest idea is a good idea, the only unspoken idea might be a bad idea.

Technology of making ideas based on brainstorming,

brainstorming is technology called brain storm, written by Donald Philips from
Michigan and the technology is known as "buzz philips 66" is based on solving a particular problem. Mode of operation is simple. Groups are made up of 5 people in each group there are leaders, participants will be determined limited period of time and during this period they need to make ideas, ideas that will be a solution to a problem. Then comes the evaluation of ideas, criticism of the idea of ​​each participant, in order to create and get the best idea. When is selected the best
idea, with that idea is going to the plenary session, at which time
the ideas are presented and opened discussion about it.

a large number of ideas can create theproblem in this way to create ideas tosolve this problem ideas are grouped, and after that ideas are valorized, and
selected the best ideas. The quality of ideas depends on the number of proposals. Which means that if you have a large number of ideas have more chances of selecting those best ideas. There is another technique that is based on the principle of harebrained ideas or lucid ideas that are unusual at first glance a stupid ideas. But you must accept the fact that both of these ideas can create the best
idea, when about her after good providence and discussed, and finally make a decision that could lead to the application of just this crazy idea.

Next technology on how to make the ideas is called a reverse brainstorming,

making this technology the idea is based on departure from the idea to
the question, instead of finding solutions to a specific problem, the group members need to focus on how to make an idea, this is about seeking ways of implementing the idea. So far we have discussed about the group way to make an idea or come up with ideas.

We will now present the solo brainstorming or how to make your own brainstorming

ideas in this short passage.

Solo brainstorming a way to come up with ideas by yourself, you first need to be
good observirate and investigate the issue, and then start looking for ways of its solution. Think about the problem when you are relaxed in a relaxed ambience, peace of mind,
write down every idea and think about it. When you create the ideas you are exempt from prejudice and resistance from other people if you were in the group. For this reason, this method of
creating ideas is productive. We have the example of the search for an idea that has worked/written by Sakan in the book, a book title could be: how to make the ideas? Among the problems to the idea. From problem to solution. Phoenix
creativity. The idea was born from nothing to something. At the end, was given the title to the book "pathways to new ideas".

In the instant matter, and a place where innovation happens. Therefore, try to be friendly, nice and in relaxed atmosphere. It does not have to be a luxury hotel, a landscape with
beautiful nature (sea, lakes, mountains) will certainly be sufficient. Because it achieves the best results. Care must be taken to be equal participants in expressing their ideas, for example, to sit at a round table in order to establish good communication.

It is believed that team leaders should formulate principles so that they are

made of quality brainstorming ideas:

This would be the principles on how to make the brainstorming ideas

  • We need unusual and radical ideas,not to be left out of the craziest ideas, 
  • We can go wrong only if not pronounce the ideas
  •  Connect our ideas,
  • Criticism of ideas is forbidden, whatever they come from whoever 
  • came,
  • Making as many ideas without criticism.

For best making ideas is also very important, and time of séances, and also their length. Sessions normally should take place when ours biorhythm is greatest, and when the
man can produce quality ideas and also as many ideas. And that time is two hours after the start of the shift in companies, or two hours after lunch, if we want to create ideas. The time period in which it should be held session should not be longer than 50 minutes. Because after fifty minutes our concentration starting to decline. And there should be a break, a story about ideas or solution to a problem we could continue during lunch. From the above it could be concluded that the creation of better ideas can ensure for us a better future, we should ensure the most favorable atmosphere for creation of innovation. Because the greatest importance in the innovation process
is brainstorming whose abilities are not used enough, and they should be. And this would be our story on how to make the ideas or how to reach them, may come to an end. Photo credit: andymangold / Foter / CC BY